Date Picker


Below is an example of how to configure the date picker, containing all the currently available options.

import { createDatePicker } from '@schedule-x/date-picker'
import '@schedule-x/theme-default/dist/date-picker.css'
const config = {
   * Set the language. Currently supports: 'en-US', 'en-GB', 'de-DE', 'zh-CN' and 'sv-SE'
   * For support of further languages, please open a PR, adding your translations under the folder:
   * packages/translations/src/locales/xx-XX
   * Defaults to 'en-US'
   * */
  locale: 'zh-CN',
   * Set which day is to be considered the starting day of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, (...other days) 6 = Saturday
   * Defaults to 1 (Monday)
   * */
  firstDayOfWeek: 0,
   * The default date to display when the calendar is first rendered. Only accepts YYYY-MM-DD format.
   * Defaults to the current date
   * */
  selectedDate: '2023-12-24',
  * The label to display in the input field when no date has been selected.
  label: 'Select a date',
  * The name of the date picker input field
  name: 'date-picker',
  * An HTML element to which the date picker popup will be appended when opened.
  * */
  teleportTo: document.body,
  * The placement of the date picker popup in relation to the input field
  * Available values: 'top-start', 'top-end', 'bottom-start', 'bottom-end'
  * Defaults to 'bottom-start'
  * */
  placement: 'bottom-end',
  * The minimum date that a user can select. Only accepts YYYY-MM-DD format.
  * Defaults to 1970-01-01
  * */
  min: '2020-01-01',
  * The maximum date that a user can select. Only accepts YYYY-MM-DD format.
  * Defaults to December 31st of the year following the current year
  max: '2025-01-01',
  style: {
    * Render the date picker in dark mode.
    * Defaults to false
    isDark: true,
    * Set the width of the date picker wrapper to 100%. Particularly useful for small screens.
    * Defaults to false
    fullWidth: true,
  listeners: {
    * Callback function that is called when the user selects a date.
    * @param {string} date - The date that the user selected, in YYYY-MM-DD format
    onChange: (date) => {
      console.log('date changed', date)
const datePicker = createDatePicker(config)