Event Recurrence

Event recurrence

ℹ️ Important note before getting started

This plugin enables you to create recurring events according to the iCalendar specification (opens in a new tab). Please note, however, that this plugin only offers a partial implementation of the specification. There are 2 reasons for this:

  1. Some rules just haven't been implemented yet. If there is a rule that you would like to see implemented, and you think this rule could be updated in a predictable way using drag & drop or resize, please open an issue on GitHub.
  2. Some iCalendar rules don't make sense in an interactive calendar. Consider for example FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=1SU,4TH; COUNT=20 where dragging one occurrence might offset the other occurrences in a non-symmetrical way, which might not have been intended when creating the rule.

If you need an almost full implementation of the iCalendar spec, you can use the rrule (opens in a new tab) library instead of this plugin. However, this only works if you're merely using the calendar to display events. If you want to use interactive features like drag & drop or resizing, you cannot use the external rrule library.


npm install @schedule-x/event-recurrence


import { createEventRecurrencePlugin } from "@schedule-x/event-recurrence";
const calendar = createCalendar({
  // ... other config options
  plugins: [
  events: [
      id: 123,
      title: 'Bi-Weekly Event Monday and Wednesday',
      start: '2024-02-05 14:00',
      end: '2024-02-05 15:00',
      rrule: 'FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=MO,WE;UNTIL=20240229T235959'
      id: 456,
      title: 'Weekly Event on 4 occasions',
      start: '2024-02-03',
      end: '2024-02-03',
      rrule: 'FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=4'
      id: 789,
      title: 'Daily event 5 times',
      start: '2024-02-05 12:00',
      end: '2024-02-05 13:55',
      rrule: 'FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=5',
      calendarId: 'personal',
      id: 121314,
      title: 'Daily event mo-fr 10 times',
      start: '2024-02-05 12:00',
      end: '2024-02-05 13:55',
      calendarId: 'work',
      id: 141617,
      title: 'Monthly event on the 7th 5 times',
      start: '2024-02-07 16:00',
      end: '2024-02-07 17:55',
      rrule: 'FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=5',
      rrule: 'FREQ=YEARLY;COUNT=5',
      title: 'Event on the 8th of February for 5 years',
      start: '2024-02-08 16:00',
      end: '2024-02-08 17:55',
      id: 181920

Supported rules

RuleSupported valuesRequired
BYDAY - compatible with DAILY and WEEKLYMO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SUNo
BYMONTHDAY - compatible with MONTHLYPositive integer 1-31No
UNTILFloating date (opens in a new tab), for example 20240101 or date-time (opens in a new tab) 20240101T120000No

Events service

When using this plugin, you can no longer use the regular events service plugin. Instead, you now need to import the events service plugin from this package:

import { createEventRecurrencePlugin, createEventsServicePlugin } from "@schedule-x/event-recurrence";
const recurrencePlugin = createEventRecurrencePlugin();
const eventsServicePlugin = createEventsServicePlugin();
const calendar = createCalendar(
  { /* config */ },
// Add an event
  id: 1,
  title: 'New event',
  start: '2024-02-05 14:00',
  end: '2024-02-05 15:00',
  rrule: 'FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=3'
// Update
  id: 1,
  title: 'New event',
  start: '2024-02-05 14:00',
  end: '2024-02-05 15:00',
  rrule: 'FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=10'
// Get one event with id 123
const event = eventsServicePlugin.get(123);
// Get all
const events = eventsServicePlugin.getAll();
// Remove an event with id 123