⭐ Drag to create

Drag to create

A plugin that allows you to create events by dragging an external placeholder element onto the calendar. Has support for week, day and month-grid views.

This is a premium plugin which requires an active license to be used. Learn more at Schedule-X premium.


  • Drag events onto the day- and week views
  • Drag events onto the month-grid view
  • Customize event properties at creation-time

2. Installation

2.1 Set up premium auth (only once)

Follow the instructions for setting up an .npmrc

2.2 Install

npm install @sx-premium/drag-to-create



createDragToCreatePlugin(config: DragToCreateConfig)

Create the plugin instance.


Configuration object for the plugin. Added as the first parameter to the createDragToCreatePlugin function.

onAddEvent(event: CalendarEvent) => void

dragToCreate(eventId: string, otherEventProperties: Partial<CalendarEvent>)

Call this method as a response to a dragstart event on your placeholder element, in order to start the drag-to-create process. The eventId is a required, unique id for the event being created. otherEventProperties is an optional object-parameter with the properties of the event being created (however, start and end properties will have no effect here).


// somewhere in your html structure
<div id="event-placeholder" draggable="true">Create new event</div>
import { createCalendar } from '@schedule-x/calendar'
import { createEventsServicePlugin } from "@schedule-x/events-service";
import { createDragToCreatePlugin } from '@sx-premium/drag-to-create'
import '@sx-premium/drag-to-create/index.css'
import '@schedule-x/theme-default/dist/calendar.css'
const onAddEvent = (event) => {
  console.log('Event added', event)
const dragToCreatePlugin = createDragToCreatePlugin({
  // Optional: add a validation hook. Return false to prevent the event from being added.
  onBeforeAddEvent: (event, $app) => {
    // Your validation logic
    return true
const calendar = createCalendar({
  plugins: [
const eventPlaceholder = document.getElementById('event-placeholder')
eventPlaceholder.addEventListener('dragstart', () => {
  dragToCreatePlugin.dragToCreate('yourEventId123', {
    title: '(No title)',
    calendarId: 'leisure',


See changelog page.


These can be added on request. Please let us know if you need an example for a specific framework.

Last updated on

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