React component

React component

This page offers documentation for using the Schedule-X calendar in React. For general documentation on configuring and interacting with the calendar, refer to the rest of the calendar documentation.


npm install @schedule-x/react @schedule-x/theme-default

If you're using a package manager that does not automatically download peer dependencies, you will additionally need to install @schedule-x/calendar, @preact/signals and preact. This is for example the case for yarn and npm < v7.

Basic usage


import { useCalendarApp, ScheduleXCalendar } from '@schedule-x/react'
import {
} from '@schedule-x/calendar'
import '@schedule-x/theme-default/dist/index.css'
function CalendarApp() {
  const calendar = useCalendarApp({
    views: [createViewDay(), createViewWeek(), createViewMonthGrid(), createViewMonthAgenda()],
    events: [
        id: '1',
        title: 'Event 1',
        start: '2023-12-16',
        end: '2023-12-16',
  return (
      <ScheduleXCalendar calendarApp={calendar} />
export default CalendarApp



From @schedule-x/react you need to import the Calendar component and the useCalendarApp hook. If you are working with an SSR framework, you will need to use the useNextCalendarApp instead. From @schedule-x/calendar you need to import the views you want to use. This example uses all the available default views. Lastly, from @schedule-x/theme-default you import the default theme.

Calendar app

The useCalendarApp takes a configuration object as its single argument, and returns an instance of the calendar app. This instance contains some methods that you can use to interact with the calendar events and toggle between light and dark mode.

Calendar component

After configuring the calendar instance to your liking, you can pass it to the Calendar component as a prop. The component will then take care of rendering the calendar and all its views, meaning you should not call the render method on your own, as documented in other parts of this site.


The Schedule-X calendar is a responsive component. To achieve this, it cannot be delivered with a fixed height or width of its own. You need to define the height and width of the wrapping element .sx-react-calendar-wrapper according to your needs. For a regular desktop application, something like this might do the trick for you:

.sx-react-calendar-wrapper {
  width: 1200px;
  max-width: 100vw;
  height: 800px;
  max-height: 90vh;

Custom components

The Schedule-X calendar is built with customization in mind. Currently, you can use the following custom components to take control over certain parts of the calendar. This is done by writing your own React components:

Component nameDescriptionProps
timeGridEventThe component for timed events used in the week- and day viewscalendarEvent
dateGridEventThe component for all-day events used in the week- and day viewscalendarEvent
monthGridEventThe component for events used in the month grid viewcalendarEvent, hasStartDate
monthAgendaEventThe component for events used in the month agenda viewcalendarEvent
eventModalThe component for the event modalcalendarEvent

An example of how to use these components can be found here: (opens in a new tab)