Ship even faster with

Don't waste time building stuff like forms, calendar toggles, or drag-to-create. Someone already built all that for you.


Event modal with form

A modal that enables you to read, create, update and delete events


Add a sidebar with calendar toggles, "Add event"-button and placeholder events for drag-to-create


Create events by dragging them onto the calendar.




All products, ready to use out of the box

  • All products
  • Email support
  • Prioritized issue processing


All products, plus service and custom plugins

  • All products
  • Private chat support
  • Prioritized issue processing
  • Service Level Agreement
  • Custom-made plugins


Yes, you can. Though I plan to introduce an OEM license later, I believe in honoring those who believed in the project early on. You can continue using Schedule-X premium commercially without having to upgrade licenses later on, if you buy it before OEM licensing is introduced.

There is no limit to how many issues and feature requests you can submit. However, you buy the software as is, without any guarantee that I will build features that you request. If I believe that a feature is useful to many customers, I am more likely to build it.

If you want certainty that a feature will be built, you need to select an enterprise license so we can discuss the terms of the feature request.

Yes. This is even encouraged. For example, you can use software like Verdaccio or JFrog artifactory. However, this does not mean that you are allowed to use Schedule-X premium beyond the terms of the license you purchased. You need to pay the yearly subscription, for as long as the software is being used.