A component for adding a sidebar to the calendar. Enables you to toggle the visibility of calendars, adds a button for opening the interactive event modal, and enables you to create events through dragging and dropping placeholder events.
This is a premium plugin which requires an active license to be used. Learn more at Schedule-X premium.
Features & demo
- Toggle visibility of calendars
- Open interactive event modal
- Drag to create events
2. Installation
2.1 Set up premium auth (only once)
Follow the instructions for setting up an .npmrc
2.2 Install
npm install @sx-premium/sidebar
import { createCalendar } from '@schedule-x/calendar'
import { createSidebarPlugin } from "@sx-premium/sidebar";
import { createEventsServicePlugin } from "@schedule-x/events-service";
import { createInteractiveEventModal } from "@sx-premium/interactive-event-modal";
import { createDragToCreatePlugin } from "@sx-premium/drag-to-create";
import '@sx-premium/sidebar/index.css'
import '@sx-premium/interactive-event-modal/index.css'
import '@schedule-x/theme-default/dist/time-picker.css'
const eventsService = createEventsServicePlugin()
const interactiveEventModal = createInteractiveEventModal({
availablePeople: ['John Doe', 'Jane Doe'],
onAddEvent: (event) => {
console.log('Event added', event)
const sidebar = createSidebarPlugin({
// Optional: Should the sidebar be open on render
openOnRender: false,
// Optional: Which calendars should be active on render
activeCalendarIds: ['personal', 'work', 'leisure', 'school'],
// Optional: Should there be calendar toggles
hasCalendarToggles: true,
// Optional: placeholder events for drag-to-create
placeholderEvents: [
title: 'Morning brief',
calendarId: 'internal',
people: ['John Doe', 'Jane Doe', 'Steve Smith'],
title: 'Client demo',
calendarId: 'internal',
people: ['John Doe', 'Jane Doe'],
title: 'Team meeting',
calendarId: 'clients',
people: ['John Doe', 'Jane Doe', 'Steve Smith'],
// Optional: factory function for generating event ids when events are created
idFactory: () => uuidv4() // or any other id generator
const calendar = createCalendar(
{ /* config */ },
createDragToCreatePlugin(/* drag-to-create options */)
See changelog page.
These can be added on request. Please let us know if you need an example for a specific framework.
- React example: (opens in a new tab)
- Vue example:
- Angular example:
- Svelte example:
Last updated on