⭐ Resource scheduler

Resource Scheduler

A view for displaying resources (people, rooms, equipment etc.) in a time grid.

This is a premium plugin which requires an active license to be used. Learn more at Schedule-X premium.

Features & demo

  • Infinite scroll & lazy loading
  • Drag & drop
  • Resizing events
  • Interactive modal for adding, editing or deleting events

Go to Demo

2. Installation

2.1 Set up premium auth (only once)

Follow the instructions for setting up an .npmrc

2.2 Install

npm install @sx-premium/resource-scheduler @schedule-x/calendar @schedule-x/translations @schedule-x/theme-default


import { createCalendar } from '@schedule-x/calendar'
import { createEventsServicePlugin } from "@schedule-x/events-service";
import { createInteractiveEventModal, translations as modalTranslations } from "@sx-premium/interactive-event-modal";
import { createHourlyView, createDailyView, createConfig, translations as resourceViewTranslations } from "@sx-premium/resource-scheduler";
import { translations, mergeLocales } from '@schedule-x/translations'
import '@sx-premium/resource-scheduler/index.css'
import '@sx-premium/interactive-event-modal/index.css'
import '@schedule-x/theme-default/dist/time-picker.css'
const resourceConfig = createConfig();
const hourlyView = createHourlyView(resourceConfig);
const dailyView = createDailyView(resourceConfig);
// enable or disable drag and drop, resizing
resourceConfig.resize.value = true
resourceConfig.dragAndDrop.value = true
resourceConfig.resources.value = [
    label: 'Room 100',
    id: '1'
    labelHTML: '<span>Room <strong>101</strong></span>',
    id: '2',
    colorName: 'room-101',
    lightColors: {
      main: '#1c7df9',
      container: '#d2e7ff',
      onContainer: '#002859'
    darkColors: {
      main: '#c0dfff',
      onContainer: '#dee6ff',
      container: '#426aa2'
const eventsService = createEventsServicePlugin()
const interactiveEventModal = createInteractiveEventModal({
  onAddEvent: (event) => {
    console.log('Event added', event)
  fields: {
    title: {},
    resourceId: {}
const calendar = createCalendar({
  translations: mergeLocales(
  events: [
      id: 1,
      title: 'Event 1',
      start: '2024-05-11 14:00',
      end: '2024-05-11 17:00',
      resourceId: '1'
      id: 2,
      title: 'Event 2',
      start: '2024-05-11 14:00',
      end: '2024-05-11 16:00',
      resourceId: '2'
  views: [hourlyView, dailyView],
  plugins: [



Signal is a reactive variable which holds a value property. This enables you to reactively update the value of your config variables. So if you wish to override the default hourWidth of the hourly view, you can do so by setting config.hourWidth.value = 100.

export type ResourceViewConfig = {
  hourWidth: Signal<number>
  dayWidth: Signal<number>
  resources: Signal<Resource[]>
  resourceHeight: Signal<number>
  eventHeight: Signal<number>
  dragAndDrop: Signal<boolean>
  resize: Signal<boolean>
  onLazyLoadDate?: (dates: Date[]) => void
  onLazyLoadMonth?: (dates: Date[]) => void


export type Resource = {
  label?: string
  labelHTML?: string
  id: string
  colorName?: string
  lightColors?: ColorDefinition
  darkColors?: ColorDefinition


export type ColorDefinition = {
  main: string
  container: string
  onContainer: string


See changelog page.


These can be added on request. Please let us know if you need an example for a specific framework.

Last updated on

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